
GET v{version}/customers/{country}

No documentation available.

GET api/customers/{country}

No documentation available.


GET v{version}/lesson

Get all lessons

GET api/lesson

Get all lessons

GET v{version}/lesson/{id}

Get lesson by Id

GET api/lesson/{id}

Get lesson by Id


GET v{version}/Charanga/teacher/{dsn}/{id}

Gets teacher info for use by Charanga only

GET api/Charanga/teacher/{dsn}/{id}

Gets teacher info for use by Charanga only


POST v{version}/season

Gets seasons

POST api/season

Gets seasons

GET v{version}/season/{id}

Gets season by Id

GET api/season/{id}

Gets season by Id


GET v{version}/departments

Gets departments

GET api/departments

Gets departments

GET v{version}/departments/{id}

Gets department by Id

GET api/departments/{id}

Gets department by Id


GET v{version}/schools

Gets schools

GET api/schools

Gets schools

GET v{version}/schools/{id}

Gets school by Id

GET api/schools/{id}

Gets school by Id

POST v{version}/schools

Gets paged result of schools

POST api/schools

Gets paged result of schools

GET v{version}/schools/{id}/Contacts

Gets contacts for a specific school

GET api/schools/{id}/Contacts

Gets contacts for a specific school


GET v{version}/persons/{socialSecurityId}

Gets person by social security ID

GET api/persons/{socialSecurityId}

Gets person by social security ID


POST v{version}/bookkeepings

Gets paged result of bookkeepings. Bookings with the following statusses are shown, and are downloadable: "IntegratedExportStarted", "IntegratedExportDownloaded", "IntegratedExportPending"

POST api/bookkeepings

Gets paged result of bookkeepings. Bookings with the following statusses are shown, and are downloadable: "IntegratedExportStarted", "IntegratedExportDownloaded", "IntegratedExportPending"

GET v{version}/bookkeepings/{id}

Gets bookkeeping file by Id. Bookkeepings with the following statusses are downloadable: "IntegratedExportStarted", "IntegratedExportDownloaded", "IntegratedExportPending"

GET api/bookkeepings/{id}

Gets bookkeeping file by Id. Bookkeepings with the following statusses are downloadable: "IntegratedExportStarted", "IntegratedExportDownloaded", "IntegratedExportPending"

POST v{version}/bookkeepings/setstatus

Sets status on a bookkeeping. The following statusses are accepted: "IntegratedExportPending": Used to add a status message to the bookkeeping. "IntegratedExportFailed": Used if the file is rejected for some reason. The file will now no longer be downloadable. "IntegratedExportDone": Used if the file is accepted. The file will now no longer be downloadable.

POST api/bookkeepings/setstatus

Sets status on a bookkeeping. The following statusses are accepted: "IntegratedExportPending": Used to add a status message to the bookkeeping. "IntegratedExportFailed": Used if the file is rejected for some reason. The file will now no longer be downloadable. "IntegratedExportDone": Used if the file is accepted. The file will now no longer be downloadable.

POST v{version}/bookkeepings/upload

Upload report file

POST api/bookkeepings/upload

Upload report file


POST v{version}/list

Gets lists

POST api/list

Gets lists

GET v{version}/list/{id}

Gets list by Id

GET api/list/{id}

Gets list by Id


GET v{version}/rooms

Gets active rooms

GET api/rooms

Gets active rooms

GET v{version}/rooms/all

Gets rooms

GET api/rooms/all

Gets rooms

GET v{version}/rooms/{id}

Gets room by Id

GET api/rooms/{id}

Gets room by Id


GET v{version}/news

Gets news

GET api/news

Gets news

GET v{version}/news/{id}

Gets news by Id

GET api/news/{id}

Gets news by Id

POST v{version}/news

Gets paged result of news

POST api/news

Gets paged result of news


POST v{version}/schoolclassgrade

Gets school class grades

POST api/schoolclassgrade

Gets school class grades

GET v{version}/schoolclassgrade/{id}

Gets school class grade by Id

GET api/schoolclassgrade/{id}

Gets school class grade by Id


GET v{version}/courses

Gets active courses

GET api/courses

Gets active courses

GET v{version}/courses/all

Gets courses

GET api/courses/all

Gets courses

GET v{version}/courses/{id}

Gets course by ID

GET api/courses/{id}

Gets course by ID

GET v{version}/courses/tree/{id}

Gets active courses by tree ID

GET api/courses/tree/{id}

Gets active courses by tree ID

GET v{version}/courses/tree/{id}/all

Gets courses by tree ID

GET api/courses/tree/{id}/all

Gets courses by tree ID

GET v{version}/courses/tree

Gets the course tree

GET api/courses/tree

Gets the course tree


GET v{version}/students

Gets students

GET api/students

Gets students

GET v{version}/students/{id}

Gets student by Id

GET api/students/{id}

Gets student by Id

POST v{version}/students

Inserts a new student. Firstname, Lastname and email are required fields. The function returns the studentId.

POST api/students

Inserts a new student. Firstname, Lastname and email are required fields. The function returns the studentId.

GET v{version}/students/school/{id}

Gets students for a specific school

GET api/students/school/{id}

Gets students for a specific school


GET v{version}/waitinglist/waitinglistcourses

Use this function to get all courses. Use the ID from this list for the Creating new ones.

GET api/waitinglist/waitinglistcourses

Use this function to get all courses. Use the ID from this list for the Creating new ones.

GET v{version}/waitinglist/{id}

Gets waitinglist by Id

GET api/waitinglist/{id}

Gets waitinglist by Id

POST v{version}/waitinglist

Inserts a new student on the waitinglist.

POST api/waitinglist

Inserts a new student on the waitinglist.


GET v{version}/blobs/{id}

Gets blob by unique ID

GET api/blobs/{id}

Gets blob by unique ID


POST v{version}/yeargroup

Gets year groups

POST api/yeargroup

Gets year groups

PUT v{version}/yeargroup/update

Updates year group

PUT api/yeargroup/update

Updates year group

GET v{version}/yeargroup/{id}

Gets year group by Id

GET api/yeargroup/{id}

Gets year group by Id


GET v{version}/publishtypes

Gets publishtypes

GET api/publishtypes

Gets publishtypes

GET v{version}/publishtypes/{id}

Gets publishtype by Id

GET api/publishtypes/{id}

Gets publishtype by Id


GET v{version}/teachers

Gets teachers

GET api/teachers

Gets teachers

GET v{version}/teachers/{id}

Gets teacher by Id

GET api/teachers/{id}

Gets teacher by Id

GET v{version}/teachers/{id}/Courses

Gets Courses for a specific teacher

GET api/teachers/{id}/Courses

Gets Courses for a specific teacher

POST v{version}/teachers

Gets paged result of teachers

POST api/teachers

Gets paged result of teachers

GET v{version}/teachers/department/{id}

Gets teacher for a specific department

GET api/teachers/department/{id}

Gets teacher for a specific department


GET v{version}/bookings/{id}

Gets booking by Id

GET api/bookings/{id}

Gets booking by Id

POST v{version}/bookings

Gets paged result of bookings

POST api/bookings

Gets paged result of bookings

GET v{version}/bookings/bookingtypes

Gets bookingtypes

GET api/bookings/bookingtypes

Gets bookingtypes

GET v{version}/bookings/bookingtypes/{id}

Gets bookingtype by Id

GET api/bookings/bookingtypes/{id}

Gets bookingtype by Id

POST v{version}/bookings/cancellations

Gets cancellations

POST api/bookings/cancellations

Gets cancellations

POST v{version}/bookings/createbooking

Creates a booking

POST api/bookings/createbooking

Creates a booking

GET v{version}/bookings/deletebooking/{id}

Deletes a booking

GET api/bookings/deletebooking/{id}

Deletes a booking